TigerAI: LSU-IBM AI & Security Summer Boot Camp

TigerAI: LSU-IBM AI & Security Summer Boot Camp 2024

Designed for students and aspiring professionals, this five-day program offers a comprehensive curriculum covering Machine Learning fundamentals, Federated Learning, Large Language Models, and AI Data Security. Participants will benefit from expert-led lectures, engaging demos, and hands-on labs, complemented by opportunities to network with industry leaders and peers. Upon completion, attendees will receive a certificate recognized by LSU and IBM, marking their achievements in this cutting-edge field. Join us for this transformative learning experience and be part of shaping the future of technology.

Please check the boot camp website for more information.


    Topics Tutorials Speakers  
Day 1 (5/20)   Opening & Basics Welcome (10am-10:10am) Dr. Hao Wang (LSU)  
10am-12pm     Opening by IBM (10:10am–10:25am) Charles Masters (IBM)  
      Welcome by CSE Dept Chair Dr. Bijaya Karki (LSU)  
      Introducing ML basics Dr. Mingxuan Sun (LSU)  
Day 2 (5/21)   AI & Accelerators, Demo/Lab How do GPU accelerate AI/ML Dr. Matt Sinclair (Wisconsin-Madison)  
Day 3 (5/22)   AI Ethics, Fairness, LLM Security AI Ethics, Fairness (1hr) Kim Nguyen-Theunissen (IBM)  
10am-12pm     Security and coding LLMs (1hr) Dr. Umar Farooq (LSU)  
Day 4 (5/23)   AI, Energy, Human Interaction AI Human-Centered AI (1hr) Dr. Mahmood Jasim (LSU)  
10am-12pm     AI, energy, and carbon footprints (1hr) Dr. Noman Bashir (MIT, Remote)  
Day 5 (5/24)   AI & Data security Threatens to AI & Data security Demo / Lab (1.2 hr) Dr. Xu Yuan (University of Delaware)  
10am-12pm   Closing Remarks Releasing certificates, closing remarks, taking photos… Charles Masters (IBM)  


We have received 75 applicants and accepted 33 participants for the boot camp (most of them are undergrads, and four highschoolers).


Cool swags for TigerAI participants.
TigerAI T-shirt
Dr. Mingxuan Sun (LSU)
Mr. Charles Masters (IBM) and Dr. Hao Wang (LSU) are signing boot camp certificates.
A talk give by Dr. Bijaya Karki (LSU)

For more photos, please check here.
